In today job hunting, you don’t just wake up one day by shouting I need a job and get a job, read this 16 different ways to get a job today, read and help yourself and also share with a person you know hunting for a good job
You see
In the sandboxes of job hunting, millions of people have spent months, years searching for a job to no result, some after some time spent on job hunting do nothing but to give up and remain unemployed
Live can be so boring when you are jobless, it reduces personality self-worth and can lead to depression if not well managed, this is some of the reasons why you should read this article 16 different ways to get a job
As A Writer from Nigeria, my home country or you reading this from any part of the world, live in my country home is so hard because in Nigeria there are over millions plus of unemployed personal
The situation here is so bad, so bad that even the PhD cert holder also cries, in every ten families in Nigeria, seven out of ten has an unemployed personal
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I investigated many things and somewhere along the way, I discovered, with some astonishment, that one of the most investigated subjects in all of the human activities, was and is the job-hunt
Who would have thought it! Who knew? 16 DIFFERENT WAYS TO GET A JOB
I give you an example, there are, it turns out, sixteen ways you can go about looking for a job, We call these, 16 different ways to get a job’’ In a nutshell, they are
1: Writing CV ( Resume ) And Mailing out a resume
2: Answering local ‘’want ads’’ ( In newspapers )
3: Going to the state/ federal unemployment service
4: Going to private employment agencies
5: Using the Internet, either to post your resume or to look for employers ‘’job-postings,’’ on the employer’s own website or elsewhere, using job publishers directories ( Monster, Career Building, Hot jobs, Career Jobs etc. )
6: Asking friends, family, or people in the community for job leads.
7: Asking former professor or teacher for job-leads, or career alumni services at school that you attendee, ( It can be secondary/high school, Trade school, Online school, Career Class, A community college, College of Education, Polytechnics and University
8: Knocking on doors: of any employer, factory or office that interest you, whether they are known to have a vacancy or not
9: Using the phone book’s yellow pages, to identify subjects field or interests that you have- that are located in the city or town where you are or want to be
10: Joining of forming ‘’ a job club’’
11: Doing a thorough self-inventory of the transferable skills and interests that you most enjoy, so that you can define in stunning detail exactly the jobs, you would most like to have
12: Going to places where employers pick up workers: well-known street corners in your town, or union halls, etc
13: Taking a civil service exam
14: Looking at professional journals in your profession or field and answering ads there
15: Going to temp agencies ( agencies that get you short-term temporary work in places that need your skills, short-term and letting them place you, again and again, until someplace says, ‘’Could you stay on, permanently?
16: Volunteering to work for free, short-term, at a place that interests you, whether or not they have a known vacancy
Now, investigators discovered also, some years back, that one third to one-half of all job-hunters simply give up by the second month of their job hunt.
They stop job-hunting. ( Of course, they have to resume, some there further down the road, where things get really desperate
But why do they give up so soon? Well, it was found that giving up was related to how many job-hunters methods a job-hunter was using
Knowing too well that the best ways to increase your chances of getting the right job are by increasing your self-worth, just by learning a new skill and career or improving in the ones you already have
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Have read the 16 different ways to get a job today I would love you to drop your comment on the comment box below with great thanks for reading and staying with us here in University Of NairaLearn
Written By
Mbonu Watson C
University Of NairaLearn
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