It has been stated that the internet is returning to its glorious days and you also need to know this fact. The 3 rules of digital Marketing in 2025 new Internet Era. Very important information to all online business owners.
Knowing this will not only help reposition your online business but will help you not to run out of business in today’s tech.
You see last year, a lot of people, most online business owners, ran out of business, and some lost some of their online business properties and platforms they had built over the years.
The loss of their business was never accidental, it was predicted that a lot of people would fail in business should they fail to model the part in which the online business is focusing then. While those eras have come and gone. A new internet era is here once again.
The internet is yet again returning to its glorious days, just the same way it was at the beginning of what most tech people now refer to as the New Internet era.
Freedom of the press and freedom of the Internet are winning again, putting an end to most government influence and poor policies limiting the Internet community’s reach, subjecting businesses and people across the Internet. Those poor government policies are being eased.
This takes us back to the 3 rules of digital marketing in the 2025 new internet era, you should know and more importantly, put them into practice.
The 3 Rules Of Digital Marketing In 2025 New Internet Era, starting with. Never depend on Google.
1: Don’t Depend On Google
Yes never depend on Google, while SEO is great, please don’t depend on SEO in general.
To date, Google still controls the search, in other words, Google still controls search engine optimization and remains the number one.
Is ok to optimize your business for SEO, but not too ok to depend on Google search results, Bing search results, etc
Instead of depending on Google, build your online business in a way that it can still strive with or without Google search results traffic and that is our rule number one. Which says “Please Don’t depend on Google search.”
As an SEO professional, a few days ago I sent out a new letter to most of my customers letting them not to keep depending on Google, and also telling them to stop being worried whether Google crawls your website, indexes your website, and ranks your website.
Just stop depending on such or being worried about such in a situation where Google is not crawling your website and not indexing your website correctly. You do not need to worry yourself provided you have optimized your website for SEO.
As long as you do not depend on Google search traffic. You have an 80% chance of surviving with or without Google search organic traffic. Hope you got the point
If your answer is yes, let’s proceed to the second rule of digital marketing in 2025 a new era
2: Don’t Depend On Social Media
Yes, Twitter X is performing well, giving the internet community the right to freedom of speech, and free press, and a few days ago Facebook also announced they will be removing Fast Checker and other limiting factors across the META platforms.
This means Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc are all returning to the good old days when freedom of speech was upheld but even at that, don’t also depend on social media completely.
It’s important for you to build your business, your online business independent of Social media, in a way by which your business can keep striving with or without social media platforms.
On Twitter X despite upholding freedom of speech, we still have people reporting on how their account and their reach are thwarted, posing how there are still shadow bans and thereby not reaching a great number of their followers.
We have also seen a Facebook page with a million followers, formally active but today when the page owner makes some posts, it barely has up to 3 reactions and zero comments.
These are Facebook of Twitter X accounts some of the owners have spent years and a good amount of money building. Part of the reason we call on people to also stop depending on Social media
Instead of depending on either Google or social media, YOU should start building YOUR OWN email or mobile list audience and this takes us to the third rule of digital marketing in the 2025 new internet era.
3: Build Leads MAGNET Consistently
If you have been following this post, remember I said the number one rule is never to depend on Google, also not to depend on Social media platforms.
While SEO is great, Google is perfect, social media communities are also great, the greatest of them all are the leads you own, and that is said to be either an email list or a mobile phone number list.
Starting with an email list and mobile list of your customers. So ensure you collect the email addresses of your customers along with their mobile phone numbers and learn the act of upscaling your business.
Get Access Here To 172 countries’ leads database and promote your business to 800+ million active internet users around the world: Don’t Miss Out On This, this is one perfect step to list building.
Let’s say, a customer bought product A from you, ensuring you have multiple products, so you can easily introduce other of your products or services to your customers.
As long your products or services are of high value, your customers will keep on returning for more products or services and moreover, they will be referring your products and services to others when these others patronize you, also ensure you collect their email addresses or mobile phone number and add them up on your buyer’s list. You see these are the perfect way of building an active buyers list.
While building an email list or mobile number list does not start and end with your customers, yes you can also use that same Google and social media as a lead magnet, instead of depending on customers to find you via Google or Facebook.
Build a lead magnet page where you collect email or mobile phone numbers of your Google search results visitors as well your social media followers, giving them the choice to optin into your leads. These are smart ways to go about all your online business in today’s new era.
These are areas you should build your business on. These are the perfect working models you should never ignore if you own an online business also ensure you get access to the Download Phone Numbers of Nigerians 2025 UPDATED and combine both email list building and mobile phone number list building.
With the Whatsapp Mass Sender Application, you can easily get across to those numbers on your list active on Whatsapp, sending them mass Whatsapp messaging for FREE.
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