Plan To Make Your 2018 Your Best Year Ever, Read This 5 Steps to Make 2018 Your Best Year Ever- NairaLearn
By Mbonu Watson
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2017 Has Come, and in a few hours from now, it will be gone forever. How ready are you, how prepared are you to welcome 2018 and make it your best year ever
I’m always amazed how fast the year flies by. Before you know it, another year has come and gone. It’s a great reminder that if you aren’t careful, life can quickly pass you by. as the wise saying says if you don’t plan you have already plan to fail
The 5 Steps to Make 2018 Your Best Year Ever is too important if you don’t want to be on the sidelines watching your life go by, but best be the orchestrator and master of your career, your life, and your destiny
So To Make Your 2018 Your Best Year, Please do the following
1. Review Last Year
Take a detailed, A honest look back at 2017, the best gift you can give to yourself is, to be honest with yourself, and consider the good and the not so good parts of your life in 2017
Acknowledge all of your growth, your accomplishments, and your experiences. Remember to include personal and the spiritual growth, as well as your professional growth. and don’t forget to add financial growth
Review all areas of your life as you reflect back on the year:
– Review Your career
– Your creativity
– Your finances
– Your health
– Your relationships
– Your recreation
– Your personal growth
– Your development etc
Find areas to celebrate! Note down the risks you take 2017 that you are proud of and ask yourself you are going to keep to it come 2018?
-What would you like to acknowledge yourself for?
-What were some of your biggest accomplishments in 2017?
-What were some of your biggest learning experiences?
-What was your biggest disappointment or loss?
-Overall, what was 2017 about for you?
-If you were to name it or give it a chapter title, what would the title of this chapter in your life be called?
It Very Very Important You Work On This List if you throughly want a better life comes 2018
2. Set Yourself Up For Success
To Be Called Successful you have to set yourself up for success, as you review the year 2017, consider what you would like to change, stop, start, or continue for the year 2018.
Try to Identify the behaviors and activities that truly made you successful last year, and consider how you might repeat them this year.
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Recognize that you can’t change others, you can only change yourself. Focus on what you can change, and understand that change begins with you.
Stop the activities that are not working for you or simply not adding value to your life. As you set yourself up for success 2018 will be a greater you for, Your Best Year Ever
Also, consider what support you might need. This might be the year you hire a professional coach to assist you in clarifying and realizing your dreams and aspirations.
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3. Look Ahead ( Be Focus )
Be Focus In Your Dealings and Use the full power of your imagination, envision the year 2018 ahead. What if it could be exactly as you wanted it to be?
Envision What 2018 Will Look Like To You By Asking Yourself
– What will 2018 it look like?
– What will you see, hear, feel?
– Who will you be with?
– Who will you connect more with?
– Where will you be or go?
– What will you be doing?
Again, consider all areas of your life. What will make you happy comes 2018 in every area of your life? Get very clear on your vision. What will this year be about for you? Give this year a chapter, title or theme!
4. Set SMART Goals
Set Goals and Work on your goals on the day to day activity, including Sundays, Turn your vision into bite-size pieces by pieces, chunking your desires into specific and measurable goals as a way of gaining clarity and focus.
Write down The elements of SMART goals as follows:
– Smart Goals Are Simple (10 words or less)
– Smart Goals Are Measurable and Meaningful (something you have control over)
– Smart Goals Are Realistic and Responsible
– Smart Goals Are Timely and Toward what you want (ensure there is a target date)
As if now (use present tense vs. future tense words)
Make sure you write out your goals and then read them out loud every morning. By using all your senses: visual, auditory and kinesthetic, you engage your unconscious as well as your conscious mind.
Your conscious mind is your goal setter. However, it is your unconscious mind that is your goal getter.
5. Start Taking Action
Ideas are not, Action is everything, In Life what contributes to success is the ideas you put to actions, so don’t just have ideas, don’t just have plans, take action in executing them fast
As you plan each day’s activities, ask yourself: What one thing can I do today that will move me in the direction of at least one of my goals? Taking small steps in the direction of your goals will result in huge gains over time.
Get off to a great start and make this your best year ever! share this article 5 Steps to Make 2018 Your Best Year Ever with your love ones and friends by clicking the share