Advertise Your Business To Over 80 Million GSM Numbers Of Nigerians

Advertise Your Business To Over 80 Million GSM Numbers Of Nigerians

The essence of every business is to make consistent profits, even with the coronavirus global crisis, the essence of business is to make consistent profit


With what am about to reveal in this article titled Advertise Your Business To Over 80 Million GSM Numbers Of Nigerians


You will discover best ways you can advertise your business and service to over 80+ Nigerians live on their phone numbers

Advertise Your Business To Over 80 Million GSM Numbers Of Nigerians, Database


So relax and grab this one time opportunity to take your business and service direct to over 80+ million mobile phone users in Nigeria


I understand the question going on in your mind right now. The question of how, How is it possible to advertise one’s business and service to over 80 million GSM Numbers Of Nigerians


I will like you to relax and take action after reading this article as I plan to answer all the how-to question right on this article


Nigeria as a country is one of the most populated black nations in the world, with over 200+ million citizens, the said giant of Africa with a booming market audience


Understanding how to advertise to this over 200+ million in Nigeria is too vital to the growth of your business


To get started, there are few things you need to know, among the very few things you should know are as follows


1: Having Business products or services:

To advertise to Nigeria audience you must have something in the form of business products or service in exchange to sales, value, and money

Having Business products or services


In better understanding, you must have an existing business, it can be an offline business store or an online business, it can be a physical product and service, it can be a digital virtual product and service, anything valuable that you can exchange with money


2: You must have a marketing plan:

Having a marketing plan is simple as you understanding your business and service and being able to communicate it to your targeted market audience

You must have a marketing plan


Here is what I mean, if you understand your business, you should be able to communicate and advertise your business to over 80 million GSM Numbers Of Nigerians


The reality of business success is that if you fail to understand your business, you will be unable to communicate it to people and failure in communicating your business to a targeted audience is a failure on business success and profit


In other words, if you fail to talk your business, to tell people about your business, there is the possibility that no one will know about your business come to talk of patronizing your business


So you must understand how to communicate your business to not just over 80 million GSM Number Users in Nigeria, But to your target market.


3: You Need A Driver To covage Your Business Products and Service To The Over 80 Millions Of Nigeria: 

This is the most important point, so pay attention to what am about to say on this area. You need a driver that will covage your business to over 80 millions of Nigeria, advertising your business direct to people phones in the form of Bulk SMS and WhatsApp messages


This is simple to accomplish, as we have done 90% of the hard work for you, all that is required is for you to take action and do the remaining 10% of the hard work and your business and service will be all over in over 80 million Nigerians Mobile phone


This can be achieved By you getting The GSM Number Database Of Nigerians Click here


We have already categorized this GSM Database by state by state, local government by local government, all you need to do is to click on the download link of the Database that will be sent to you


GSM Number, Email Database, GSM Database of Nigeria


And download the entire GSM Numbers, now listen to how to go about your marketing once you have downloaded the GSM number Database


There are two smart ways to advertise to this Database


  • 1: Is Via BulkSMS Portal Platform
  • 2: Is Via Bulk Whatsapp Sender App


To advertise your business to over 80 million GSM Numbers Of Nigeria there are two way to go about it


Because some of these numbers are not on WhatsApp, so you will be using Bulksms to reach out to them, while you use WhatsApp to reach out to the numbers actives on WhatsApp


This is how it goes! Advertise Your Business To Over 80 Million GSM Numbers Of Nigerians


You will need an application called Whatsapp Bulk Sender, you can get it here at Whatsapp Marketing Kit


The features of these apps allow you to send bulk WhatsApp to active Whatsapp numbers


Because not every number on the GSM Numbers database are on WhatsApp, you will also need the Whatsapp Bulk Sender App to filter the GSM numbers and separate nonactive WhatsApp numbers from WhatsApp active numbers


While you focus using WhatsApp bulk sender to send messages to numbers that are active on WhatsApp


Then use Bulk SMS portal like SMSAFRICA24 To send bulk SMS to numbers not active on WhatsApp


That is how it works and you have to do this consistently and correctly, you don’t just do it once and stop, you keep doing it, keep marketing, keep building authority among the numbers and building engagement with the people that respond to your adverts 


Note:  if no one knows anything about your business you will be short of profits and may easily run out of business, you may not like that, so don’t just read this article, click here To Get The GSM Numbers Of Nigerians Now


And Start advertising your business to over 80 million GSM Numbers of Nigerians using bulk SMS and WhatsApp bulk sender at ease


So you see its important for people to know about your business, it is too important for you to advertise your business online and offline 


We Would Love To Hear From You, Kindly Whatsapp Us On 08068608490 Let Chat Live on WhatsApp, You Can Also Put a Call Through Us as we are open 24/7 and will be more than glad to hear from you


With Joy From All Of Us




3 thoughts on “Advertise Your Business To Over 80 Million GSM Numbers Of Nigerians”

  1. Hello i just transferred #3000 for importation class.please confirm


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