Apply For Duke University USA Mastercard Foundation Scholarships for Africans 2018
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The mission of The MasterCard Foundation is to advance education and financial inclusion to catalyze prosperity in developing countries.
The Scholars Program is a 10-year program, offering world-class education at Duke University, supported by $13.5 million in funding from The MasterCard Foundation, fosters growth and development in a select group of students from Sub-Saharan Africa and other developing areas.
At Duke, scholars work with professors who have decades of experience leading projects in Africa. Through challenging classes, research opportunities, and programs designed especially for these students, The MasterCard Foundation Scholars at Duke are provided the educational tools needed to become leaders.
Duke recognizes education is a catalyst for social and economic betterment. This visionary program creates a pipeline of leaders for a global society. Duke is consistently included among the best universities in the world by numerous university rankings, and among the most innovative, according to a Reuters survey.
Duke University is a private institution that was founded in 1838. Duke also ranks fifth among national universities to have produced Rhodes, Marshall, Truman, Goldwater, and Udall Scholars.
13 Ten Nobel laureates and three Turing Award winners are affiliated with the university. Duke University offers a unique and compelling combination of academic achievement, engagement with society, and athletic accomplishment at the highest levels.
A private comprehensive teaching and research university, Duke traces its roots to 1838, officially becoming Duke University in 1924.
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In addition to liberal arts and engineering education at the undergraduate level, Duke offers graduate and professional study in arts and sciences, business, divinity, engineering, the environment, law, public policy, medicine, and nursing. At the same time, Duke is an intimate setting, with 6,800 undergraduates and an additional 6,000 graduate and professional students.
Application procedure: By simply applying to Duke University all students from Africa will be considered for The MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program based on academic talent, financial need, and interest in improving their communities.
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