Creating Awareness, Traffic and Conversions Profits

If You Want To Grow The Money In Your Business and Service Takes This Creating Awareness, Traffic and Conversions Profits So Serious

By so doing, you will not only grow your business PROFITS but will assign CONTENTS to be actively working for you and your business

Creating Awareness, Traffic And Conversions Profits,

First Know That?

The essence of every business is to make profits, so if your business is not making you a lot of profit, know that something is wrong. And also if your business is not running online, you are seriously running out of business

In this post! Creating Awareness, Traffic and Conversions Profits I will be revealing to you what I called the centered marketing profits

For years we have been on business, marketing changes from time to time, terms and conditions also change, as this year 2020, both the Google, Facebook, Youtube, etc all updated their terms and conditions for business products and services account listing

The updates even went across Whatsapp, which across Google, Facebook, Youtube. did affect not only business account but also personals account

Due a lot of users across this platform, were unaware of the updates, but tech gurus like us know exactly what is going on and the aim of the updates.


To some people and businesses, it was a bad update from these powerhouses, Google, Youtube, and Facebook.


Facebook which owns Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp, all their platform was updated early this year 2020

The updates are just but normal changes and updates we usually see every year, so no need for alarm, but each time this type of update is done by this powerhouse, it reminds us that. Facebook, Google, Youtube, etc are owned by people and is dangerous for you as a business owner to be depending on them in other to grow your business


Yes it’s dangerous depending and trusting on them, without trying to build your own Authority list, and with the way facebook is going now… you need more of paid boosting on facebook Ads for your post to reach thousands to millions of people even when you are having 5k followers/Likes. or 500k+ FaceBook Pages or groups etc. you too discover that when ever you make a post, only but 4% of people sees it


This development is not encouraging If You Don’t Have Budget To Run Paid Ads

But to be on the safer part. I want to share with you the 3 areas you should central your marketing on in this 2020 and beyond, and once you are able to get it right doing it consistently, then you are good to go


You will never be afraid of Google’s, Youtube’s Facebook’s, etc updates again… be it good updates or bad updates. once you are able to follow these 3 areas Namely


1: Creating Awareness,
2: Traffic,
3: Conversions of Profits

Then you have nothing to worry about.. so let proceed on the 3 areas for better understanding of what I mean here


1: Creating Awareness

1: Creating Awareness: This is simply your business and services Content Authoring: which has to do with you in question, understanding what your business and services is all about and being able to create awareness of it to the public


Creating Awareness here can come in the form of Writing Articles consistently About Your Business, Coming Up With Pictures About Your Business, Making Videos About Your Business, Writing Blog Post, News Letter, Podcast, Press Release, not just creating awareness and putting up the contents altogether but best publishing them online regularly 


I don’t know if you have come across the Memo ‘Contents Is King’ By Bill Gates, Founder of Microsoft. Contents Is King, this statement was first made public by Bill Gates in one of his Gates Memo.


So you creating awareness content should not only be a king here but should be able to stand out amongst other contents and provide solutions to human problems and search engines.


Once your contents are of high quality, you have solved 50% of your business problems irrespective of the type of business you are into or best where your business is located

So that takes us to TRAFFIC


Traffic Is Everything Good

2: Traffic: Here you have just finished creating awareness contents and best have published them online. 


Note: Publishing them online equals nothing if nobody is seeing it. so that brings us to the Need For Driving Targeted and Quality TRAFFIC


For the benefit of those who don’t understand what I mean by TRAFFIC. Below is the definition of Traffic

Traffic here is your website traffic. Being the amount of data sent and received by visitors to your website. This necessarily does not include the traffic generated by bots. but real human visitors to your websites


So whenever you make a publication online, next question you should ask your self is how do I drive quality and targeted traffic to it


To answer this question? there are so many ways you can drive traffic, be it paid ads or free listing, both ways work. and I will recommend you download the ebook HOW TO PROMOTE AND GROW YOUR BUSINESS IN 2020 by clicking here.


We also recommend you get The GSM Database, Email Database And The Nigeria Business Owners Database Here


You can use this database to build millions of subscribers in less than 30 days, and here is the reality, once you have built up organic and active subscribers your business will fast grow and that means more profits.


Lastly, on our list on Creating Awareness, Traffic and Conversions Profits. CONVERSION IS THE LAST AND MORE IMPORTANT. Please don’t fail this part. Don’t even try it


Conversion Here Is Too Important

3: Conversions Profits: No need for big grammar here, this is the main reason behind your business and service. which is to make money, make more profits


So if you have effectively achieved Creating Awareness Contents and you have drive quality traffic to your website business products and services. but the money is not coming as expected. Then you need to review your web pages lead contents


Yes, you have to reveal and find out what and what is wrong and how to improve it.. this is very very important. because if your business is not making you profits, there is this possibility that you may fold up in business and closed down


I hope the 3 areas Creating Awareness, Traffic and Conversions Profits we have revealed are well understood by you. if no. kindly WhatsApp us on +2348068608490 we too be happy to guide you more


We are 24/7 online, with full Whatsapp Support to Nigerians and Skype Support To All Our International Gigs Economy Market


If you also have a website but you are not making conversion profits from your website. Know that there might be a need for redesigning your website to meet up with what works in 2020. and many other leads


With Big Thanks From All Of Us

Online University Of Nairalearn


Nairalearn Team

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