How I solved my problem in Nigeria. Strive Masiyiwa

How I solved my problem in Nigeria. Strive Masiyiwa

Doing business in Nigeria was a big lesson to me, and can tell you when it comes to Business, Nigeria is a country you can’t afford to do away with if you truly want to go big. Strive Masiyiwa


In his writing’s. Strive Masiyiwa the billionaire businessman wrote’s

I realized very early in my EntrepreneurShip journey that a modern entrepreneur works with Partners. You cannot build a really big business unless you know how to #CHOOSE and #WORK properly with Partners.

The challenges I had in the early part of my Entrepreneurship journey were due to my INEXPERIENCE in #CHOOSING the right #PARTNERS for me.

Being a Committed Christian meant that I had to always be mindful about shared values with people I work with daily. They don’t have to be Christians, but they cannot be engaged in things that contradict the basic tenets of my Faith.

How I solved my problem in Nigeria. Strive MasiyiwaTHAT IS ALL, FOLKS!

Once I realized that this was my problem, I began to work on it.

I do background checks. I try to make sure I work with people with solid reputations. 

Big or small.

Even young people who have nothing can still have reputations! By the time you are 10, you have begun to have a reputation!

Why should my partner want to steal from me? Why should my partner want to take my share in the business?

Out of the 20 Nigerian Shareholders, only 2 were against me, and they worked day and night to undermine me. They succeeded for a while but ultimately my faith [which some call tenacity] prevailed.

I learned my lessons, and in future deals, I ensured that people like them would not be my partners.

It was not a Nigeria problem, is not the people. You cannot be relevant in Africa if you are not also thinking of being in Nigeria. And no Nigerian can be relevant in Africa, who does not also look beyond Nigeria.


For example!! If you need to have 51%, I don’t want to be your partner!

People who find it so necessary to own 51% or more make for terrible partners, because they can be unreasonable and oppressive to other shareholders.

ALSO Download Nigeria Business Database GSM Number And Email Database

If you are suspicious that someone is going to “take over” or “steal my business”, you should find a business where you can stay small or medium-sized, and run it with your family. Don’t go to investors, because you will fight with them, and you will be the one who steals from them!

#Senior Class stuff!

An investor is only an investor, before they buy shares, after that, they are SHAREHOLDERS AND CO-OWNERS WITH YOU, FOREVER! these and are just but few things I learn doing Business in Nigeria and How I solved my problem in Nigeria. Strive Masiyiwa Founder Econet Mobile Network Nigeria, sold and now AirTEL narrating his experience doing Business In Nigeria 


ALSO READ: My Story On Why I Left Econet Nigeria Founder Strive Masiyiwa Revealed

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