How To Browse The Internet Secure And Safe USING Free VPN
Hey friends
Here am to work you on easy but more secure ways to browse the internet, using premium Free VPN, JUST Pay attention to this simple guide and you will start enjoying your browsing experiences
First, to browse the inter more secure in today internet technology you should avoid the followings
1: Avoid visiting porn sites:
Porn site is home to hackers, both ethical and black hackers roam porn site phishing users IP address, getting access to visitors devices, how they do it is simple through a visitors Webcam, that is if you as a visitor to a porn site is browsing from desktop PC
If you are visiting using your mobile phone, hackers get access to your devices through your cameras, so the best way to keep your site safe is to avoid porn site, you can only visit if you know how to keep your device safe and more secure from porn stream phishing
2: Avoid using crack software, extension, plugins, and tools
Come to talk of it, is not easy developing software, it has never been easy for developer’s, developing work takes time, money, and greater resources, this is one reason I don’t advise using crack software, until i became a developer, that was when I discover the work of developer is not easy
Apart from that, when software is cracked, it becomes vulnerable and most time, the hack is carried out by hackers, who mostly insect phishing files on it, so when you install this software, plugin, extension, or tool into your computer system or your mobile phone you expose your device to hackers
While Avoiding Porn Site and Crack Software, You Should Use VPN, for software, plugin or extension you dont have budget to afford for now, always search for free trial or similar software and get it from a legitimate site or direct from the developer. doing the above will keep your system, mobile device 50% secure, to get a better secured internet. USE VPN
Using VPN For Internet Technology Security
Is important you use a VPN in surfing the internet, is too important these days and I will be giving you simple tips on how to use Opera Browser VPN. Just follow the following steps
1: Visit the official site of Opera Browser. GOTO See screenshot below
When you are on the official portal of Opera , you main target is to download their browser app, you can download the Opera browser which are available on both Windows, Mac, Linux, Chromebook, Android, and iOS.
So simple download for the window if your computer is running on the window, do same if you are using Mac, Linux or Android for Mobile Phone and iOS
The Opera Browser VPN Works superbly on both Desktop PC and Mobile Devices.
When You Have Successfully Download and Install The Opera Browser:
Do the following to activate the VPN
a: Launch the Opera Browser
b: Go to setting: See Screenshot below
NOTE: Opera browser is available on both Windows, Mac, Linux, Chromebook, Android, and iOS.
So simple download for the window if your computer is running on the window, do same if you are using Mac, Linux or Android for Mobile Phone and iOS
The Opera Browser VPN Works superbly on both Desktop PC and Mobile Devices.
When You Have Successfully Download and Install The Opera Browser:
Do the following to activate the VPN
- a: Launch the Opera Browser
- b: Go to setting: See Screenshot below
c: When you have clicked on the Setting, next is to locate the Advance Menu tab and click on Privacy and Security, then scroll down and check the VPN Module by turning it on.. See screenshot below
Next is to scroll down to the VPN Module and turn it on, See Screenshot below
You Can Also Watch The Below Video
Is simple, you can use the Opera Browser VPN on Mobile Phone or Desktop computer for illustration purposes I have used Desktop PC
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So pay attention and apply the same method on mobile should you are using mobile to surf the internet. it works like charm and is well secure, light and in all is 100% FREE
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