Next Is To: View the options listed and select the signup methods best suitable for you, e.g: if you are to sign up with an email or social media account then proceed, there are all secured
The choice is all yours, but make sure that, any means you are using to sign up and activate your account is active, for example, if you are signing up with an email, just make you have access to the email address.
Next: After you have a sign in, just click on the Pencil button, see screenshot guild below
Next Is To: View the options listed and select the signup methods best suitable for you, e.g: if you are to sign up with an email or social media account then proceed, there are all secured
The choice is all yours, but make sure that, any means you are using to sign up and activate your account is active, for example, if you are signing up with an email, just make you have access to the email address.
Next: After you have a sign in, just click on the Pencil button, see screenshot guild below
Next Is To: View the options listed and select the signup methods best suitable for you, e.g.: if you are to sign up with an email or social media account then proceed, there are all secured
The choice is all yours, but make sure that, any means you are using to sign up and activate your account is active, for example, if you are signing up with an email, just make you have access to the email address.
Next: After you have a sign in, just click on the Pencil button, see screenshot guild below
When you click on the Pencil button, it will take you to the article/story interface where you need to write your article or story
And Next: Is for you to take your time and write unique articles, it can be an introduction article about your self, your business, or best you could just tell a story, give out and information and make sure you add a backlink on the contents of your writings
Next: when you are done with writing an article make sure you have a link, then add the link to a keyword around the article content box and click on the publish button to make the article go live.
The link you are to add must be best if you make it a textual link, though you can also add a link on images, using your website keyword or any keyword of your choice. See the Sample of how i did mine Below
LOL, you can see my story above, not the best write up, but simple and have gotten me about two backlinks, where i use my site NairaLEARN and AfriNOTES mother keywords
NOTE: You can use any keyword of your choice, it can be keywords related to your site inner pages, post or evn contact us page. the choice is all yours
After writing your content, you will see a Publish button above the page, just click on it and it will take you to this page. See screenshot below
You need to write a brief story about your contents, which should not be more than 100 words, then make sure you select collection (category) and then click on publish, provided you have entered all the information required rightfully. your content will be processed and published, see a screenshot of the end result below
Once you have gotten the above step right, you are good to go, just give Search Engine Directories, e.g Google, Bings, etc 48 hours to index your contents alongside your links will be indexed. Hope you enjoyed this
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P:S: Enjoy. The How To Get A DR 64 Do-Follow High-Quality Contextual Backlink, written by my humble self Mbonu Watson, Nairalearn. Visit the Nairalearn course section for more incentives