How To Secure Your FACEBOOK Account From Hackers

How To Secure Your FACEBOOK Account From Hackers

In this article you are going to discover simple but smart ways to secure your Facebook account from being hacked. I will do my best to make this article and video kit How to secure your Facebook account from hackers simple, easy to understand and implement


The truth is that, there are techniques, tools and scripts hackers use to hacker Facebook account, same way, there are various ways to secure a Facebook account, and keeps all the hackers 100% off from hacking your Facebook account


When you follow the below instruction on this article How To Secure Your FACEBOOK Account From Hackers , YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT WILL NOT BE HACKED. 


First you must know that

1: There Are Things To Do: To keep your Facebook account safe and secure

2: There Are Things To Setup: In Other To Keep Your Facebook Account Safe and secure


Pay attention as we discuss these two smart ways to secure a Facebook account in details, is simply that a child of 13 years old can implement


Things To Do, To Keep Your Facebook Account Safe And Secure

1: Don’t Accept All Friends Request:

When someone sends you a Facebook friend request, don’t just rush and accept them; First take your time to go through the person timeline, view his or her profile and try to know if you are familiar with the person or best if the person’s account speaks value to you


Because when yo fail to make your Facebook account safe, this is what happens when someone or group of people hack your Facebook accounts


  • They may sell it

  • They may use the information on your account against you

  • They may use it for fraud


Thousands to millions of Facebook account has been hacked, many people end up not being able to recover their hacked account, this is never a good experience


So remember not accepting all friend request can keep your Facebook account more secured, it is important that you keep your Facebook account secure and safe, for your own good, your reputation and for keeping your Facebook friends and followers, safe from fraudsters


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2: Use a strong password and protect your password:

When you are creating a Facebook account try to use a strong password

A strong password is a password that contains both alphabet, numbers, upper case, lower case and special characters for example  xYz09_qT73.?  Also SEE Image Below


You can even choose to add special characters like space in your password. Your Facebook account must have a strong password, its important to keep the hackers off from easily hacking your Facebook Account


you can proceed to your Facebook account settings and update your Facebook account login password to stronger password, using Upper case, Lower Case and special character.. See picture below


When you have updated your Facebook password to a stronger password don’t just login into Facebook anywhere else online or from any other devices aside from your (personal) mobile or computer devices


Never you share information about your Facebook login details to other people irrespective of who they are


Don’t include your name, your mobile number or any other common words on your Facebook passwords


When you use other people’s mobile phones or computer to access your Facebook account, kindly log out from Facebook from such devices as soon as you are done accessing Facebook


Things To Setup In Other To Keep Your Facebook Account Safe and secure

1: Setup two factors authentication

What is two-factor authentication and how does it work on 

Two-factor authentication is a security feature that helps protect your Facebook account in addition to your password.

Facebook Two-Factor Authentication

If you set up two-factor authentication, you’ll be asked to enter a special login code or confirm your login attempt each time someone tries accessing Facebook from a browser or mobile device Facebook doesn’t recognize associated with your FB account.


To do that, you have to navigate to your Facebook account setting , click on Security and Login scroll down to two Facebook Two-Factor Authentication, SEE IMAGE Below




When you set up two-factor authentication on Facebook, you’ll be asked to choose one of two security methods: Namely


1: Login codes from a third-party authentication app.

2: Text message (SMS) codes on your mobile phone.


Once you scroll down and click on USE TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION, Facebook will direct you to a page where you can select between Authentication App and Test Message (SMS) I will advice you select Text Authentication (SMS) SEE Image Below


Text Authentication (SMS)

When you select Text Message (SMS) Authentication, Facebook will ask you to add mobile number or best will use the mobile number associated with your Facebook account. SEE Image Below




A code will be sent to your mobile number, just enter the code on the next page Facebook Authentication factor will direct you to and Facebook will automatically recognize the code and authenticate you Facebook account provided you entered the right code, Click on done. SEE Image Below




Once you click done. That is all, you are good to go SEE Image Below




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You can also set your Facebook account to always get alerts when someone tries logging in from a browser or mobile device Facebook doesn’t recognize.

You’ll need to have at least one of these set up to use two-factor authentication. Once you have added either text message (SMS) codes or a third party authentication app on your account, you’ll also be able to set up some of the optional methods below:


  • Approving your login attempt from a device Facebook recognizes.

  • Using one of your recovery codes.

  • Tapping your security key on a compatible device.


If you haven’t saved the browser or mobile device you’re using, you’ll be asked to do so when you turn on two-factor authentication. 


This way you won’t have to enter a security code when you log in again. Don’t click Save this browser if you’re using a public computer that other people can access (for example a library computer or a cybercafe public computer).


Facebook needs to be able to remember your computer and browser information so they can recognize it the next time you log in. Some browser features block this. 


Should you’ve turned on private browsing or set up your browser to clear your history every time it closes, you might have to re-enter a code every time you log into your Facebook account from such device computer or mobile


To set up text message (SMS) two-factor authentication, you can either use a mobile number that’s already been added to your account or add a new number.


You can watch this video for a live guide on How to secure your Facebook account from hackers


You can download the eBook Version to this article How To Secure Your Facebook Account From Hackers By Clicking Here Now

How To Secure Your FACEBOOK Account From Hackers



We do like to hear your opinion on this, has your Facebook account been hacked before, write to us, we maybe of help, should in case you are still yet to recover such account from the hackers, Write to us Via Whats-app By Saving This Mobile Number +2348068608490 NOW


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