IF YOU CAN SEE THIS Don’t Remain Poor At 35: JACK MA

IF YOU CAN SEE THIS Don’t Remain Poor At 35: JACK MA

Jack Ma, Chinese business magnate and the richest man in China has this to say: IF YOU CAN SEE THIS Don’t Remain Poor At 35: JACK MA, it’s insulting for you to keep blaming your parents, the government, the society, and every other thing for remaining poor


As long as you are above 35 years of age, in this internet era, if you are still POOR blame nobody but yourself


Dear Friend

There are a few things I will like to share with you, please for heaven sake, don’t get mad at me, because of the Title here (IF YOU CAN SEE THIS Don’t Remain Poor At 35: JACK MA )


My Name Is Jack Ma

As the co-founder and former executive chairman Of Alibaba Group, I was not born with a golden spoon, in fact, my parents then were among the poor of the poorest, we were so poor that even the poor people around us can call us poor



I have been rejected a job placement for being poor and too ugly, to the recruiters (Employers) I was too ugly, so they refuse me the job, it was so tough on me, but never did I allow the events or circumstance around me to determine my future


I put everything about my poor background, physical looks behind and defined a new beginning for my self and today I can say am proud of what I have


But in all, am happy for what my life has to turn out, so I want you reading this to achieve the same level of success just as I deed, all you need do is to pay attention to the 4 principle things am about to say here


 4 simple principles of success, you need to do and kick poverty out from your life forever. Jack Ma


IF YOU CAN SEE THIS Don’t Remain Poor At 35: JACK MA

Please don’t get me wrong when I say it’s your fault if you’re still POOR At 35


I know we all have every reason to blame the Government for poor policymaking, to blame our parents for not acquiring enough wealth for us and the society for being decisive on us, yes we have reasons to blame others


 But at first, am pleading to you to look beyond all external forces and reasons and focus on helping yourself out from poverty, for now, you can’t change the world, you can’t alone change your country but you can at least change your self, so the most important person here is your self. FOCUS On That (YOUR SELF)


The Jack Ma Brief Story

The rise of Chinese billionaire Jack Ma is China’s most important Cinderella story today. He loves Africa and the world around us, He loves talking to new startups, entrepreneurs


He struggles to get a job at KFC to growing a multi-billion dollar online marketplace from his tiny apartment, YES HE STARTED HIS BUSINESS FROM HOME.


Jack Ma struggled for over a decade to grow his empire and now shares his brutally honest wisdom to anyone hungry enough to listen. 


So the following story told by Ma is our top shared digest for you, Read and learn from the richest Man In China


In His Story

Jack Ma talks about his own struggle against all odds, the four things that absolutely kill ambition, and why if you’re still poor at 35, you can really only blame yourself:


His Story Line One

Before I founded Alibaba, I invited 24 friends to my house to discuss business opportunities. After discussing for a full two hours, they were still confused


I have to say that I may not have put myself across in a clear manner then. The verdict: 23 out of the 24 people in the room told me to drop the idea for a multitude of reasons such as ‘you do not know anything about the internet,’ and more prominently, ‘you do not have the start-up capital for this,’ etc so they told me the reality (GIVE UP)


This is the reasons, why I don’t follow reality, sometimes you just have to be mad, make a difference and be opposite to reality, that is the only reasons to prove that impossibility doesn’t exist: Mbonu Watson


So out of the whole people I invited, there was only one friend, who was working in a bank then, who told me, ‘If you want to do it, just try it. If things don’t work out the way you expected it to, you can always revert back


I pondered upon this for one night, and by the next morning, I decided I would do it anyway, even if all of the 24 people opposed the idea.


When I first started Alibaba, I was immediately met with strong opposition from family and friends. Looking back, I realized that the biggest driving force for me then was not my confidence in the Internet and the potential it held, but more of this


No matter what one does, regardless of failure or success, the experience is a form of success in itself.’ You have got to keep trying, and if it doesn’t work, you always can revert back to what you were doing before.


As with this quote by T. E. Lawrence: ‘All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible.’”


People lose out in life because of these four reasons:

– Being myopic to opportunity

– Looking down on opportunities

– Lacking understanding

– Failing to act quickly enough


You are poor because you have no ambition. Ambition is living a life of great ideals; a magnificent goal in life that must be realized. In this world, there are things that are deemed unfathomable, but there is nothing in this world that cannot be done. The depth of one’s ambition determines the potential of one’s future.”

IF YOU CAN SEE THIS Don't Remain Poor At 35 JACK MA


Jack Ma then lists all the reasons why someone would still be poor at 35 along with a strong dose of the reality of being successful:


“You are poor because you do not have the desire to become successful.

“You are poor because you lack foresight.

“You are poor because you cannot overcome your cowardice.

“You are poor because you lack courage and determination.

“You are poor because you know but failed to take actions

“With ambition, you can overcome all inferiority and maximize your potential!


Jack Ma’s parents

“With ambition, you can persevere, continuously learn new things, and strive for perfection.

“With ambition, you can defy all odds, and create miracles when others dare not.

“No matter how poor your family is, do not doubt your own abilities and lose sight of your ambition and change the financial level of your family

“When your family deems you worthless, no one will pity you. so stop the pity game and shame your enemy called SELF PITY

“When your parents do not have money to pay the medical bills, no one will pity you.

“When you are beaten by your competitors, no one will pity you.

“When your spouse left you for being poor, no one will pity you.

“When your loved ones abandon you, no one will pity you.

“When you have not accomplished anything by the time you are 35, no one will pity you.

“Go big, or go home. Otherwise, you’re wasting your youth.”


What do you think about these Jack Ma statements? Is it one’s fault if you’re poor at 35? kindly drop your thoughts in the comment section


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