Overcoming Racism and Tribalism, Be An Antiracist: All Life Matters
All life matters, black, white same with all tribe, until we learn to come together as one human, humanity is still far away from us
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Today in want to talk about Overcoming Racism and Tribalism, Be An Antiracist: All Life Matters
Do you know it is racism ( tribalism ) to believe that the behavior of certain groups of people is inferior and that they need to change to become equal?
But what you may not know is that is also racism for us to believe that male children are more superior to female children, so its also racism to believe that male children are more important than female children
Racism is racism, tribalism is tribalism a racist in one is racist in all, a tribalist in one is a tribalist in all
There are no significant biological differences between races, tribes and you are racist, a tribalist if you think there are.
Our society is sick with the cancer of racism, the tribalism that pervades many organizations and aspects of life, but we can overcome it.
You are racism when you as a Christian call traditional worshipers evil people and label them sinners
You are a racist when you as a Muslim call another religion infidel, religion racist is the heist of world crime and disunity around the world. Until we learn how to be one human, the act of humanity and world peace is still very far from us
My name is Mbonu Watson, and this article is just my opinion on the BLACK LIFE MATTERS.
So Read On
Overcoming Racism and Tribalism, Be An Antiracist: All Life Matters
Just as the protest Black Life Matters has traveled far and near, a protest which started around the united state of America and some part of Europe and now in Africa where tribalism and human life means nothing to many
Overcoming Racism and Tribalism, Be An Antiracist: All Life Matters: Your life, my life All Life Matters will make you a better, kinder, and more fair person by revealing how deeply ingrained racism, tribalism is in our society and outlining what we can all do to annihilate it.
Overcoming Racism and Tribalism, Be An Antiracist: All Life Matters
When I was in secondary school I remember a very odd beginning of one school day. The teacher divided us up into two groups, those from the southern part of Nigeria and those that are from the eastern part of Nigeria
As part of the indigenous right, those from the southern part of the nation Nigeria are more favored in the southern part of the nation, same with those in the northern part of the nation to those in the western part of the nation as that of the eastern part of the Nation Nigeria
I had to sit in silence doing homework while the other kids got recess, treats, and kindness from our teacher, school authorities and the Government
It never ends there, after my secondary school days, I proceed to the higher institution, racism and tribalism is even wost at the higher institution level
The same way it’s now in politics worldwide, government and labor union in my country Nigeria. racism and tribalism, has also moved to the online world, yes on the cyberspace
It was confusing, frustrating, and taught me a lesson I’ll never forget. One of the dark-haired kids eventually realized that this wasn’t fair and said something.
That’s when the teacher stopped the experiment and told us that we would be learning about Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela and the issue of racism and that of American None Violence Movement
Although society has made great strides since the days of MLK, racism is still a sickening issue we deal with today. And while we have the obvious horror of cops killing some black people for no reason.
In Nigeria, my country military men and bandits have killed thousand just this year 2020 alone and nobody cares, Not even the Nigeria Government
This is only one of many problems that racism brings into our society that we all must fix now or never
Here are just 3 of the many eye-opening lessons Overcoming Racism and Tribalistic, Be An Antiracist: All Life Matters:
It’s racist and tribalistic to believe that the behavior of certain groups of people is inferior and that they need to change to become equal.
There are no significant biological differences between races, tribes and you are racist and tribalist if you think there are.
Our society is sick with the cancer of racism that pervades many organizations and aspects of life, but we can overcome it if only we come together and fight as one
Coronavirus outbreak was out for all races and tribes, rich and poor, it was out against our life as humans in general.
Are you ready to become an antiracist? an antitribalist, if yes let’s dive into these important lessons so we can learn how!
Overcoming Racism and Tribalism, Be An Antiracist: All Life Matters 3 LESSONS
Lesson 1: Overcoming Racism and Tribalism, Be An Antiracist: All Life Matters
Equality is not dependent on the behavior of certain groups of people.
We sometimes don’t notice aspects of racism, tribalism in our society. One example was in a claim made by politician Eleanor Holmes in 1985.
She declared that African Americans needed more than just opportunities and financial assistance. Her stance was that the ghetto culture had to be dismantled and that some Black people needed to learn a better work ethic, among other things.
Although she was trying to help, Holmes succumbed to a racist mentality that still pervades society today. It’s called assimilationist racism and believes that for equality, Black people need to change.
The big problem with this ideology is that it puts one race, usually whites, on a pedestal for all others to try to emulate. It’s patronizing to people of color because it treats them like kids that need a lesson in how to behave.
To be antiracist, on the other hand, means to support policies with a grounding in truth. That’s anything that treats all races as equal, regardless of any differences that may appear to exist.
One example is antiracists that noticed the right way to go about improving violent crime rates in African American communities during the 80s.
They noticed that with a rise in crime came an increase in unemployment among young Blacks. Their efforts focused on fixing that by taking down racist policies that made employment hard for these individuals.
Lesson 2: Overcoming Racism and Tribalism, Be An Antiracist: All Life Matters
You are a racist if you think there are significant biological differences between races and tribes
As a Black child or a Nigerian remembers noticing the other kids in his class at school. The look of one Black girl made him consider how similar he and she were. But when he thought about the white kids, all he could see were deep differences.
Even we among blacks don’t see our fellow blacks as a tourist in black man country, but we see and honor all whites as a tourist in all black man country.
This is referred to as biological racism, and you’ve probably been guilty of it yourself at some point.
You’re a biological racist if you believe that biological differences between races are meaningful and certain traits are superior or inferior.
To be biologically antiracist, you must realize that all humans are biologically the same and that genetics has nothing to do with racial differences.
No race was better than others. Black people to be can be better at a physical activity like sports etc
Antiracists, on the other hand, know that there aren’t any genetic differences between races. We are all, genetically, 99.9% the same. Another way to look at it is that you can’t inherit race from your parents.
You can inherit ethnicity, on the other hand, which is only a matter of which part of the world you originate from. so all racism and tribalism are all learnable behavior
Lesson 3: Overcoming Racism and Tribalism, Be An Antiracist: All Life Matters
Racism in the world and tribalism in Nigeria is cancer that makes our society and it’s organizations and habits sick, but there is hope for us to beat it.
In 2018, at just 35-years-old, Kendi got the devastating news that he had colon cancer. It got worse when doctors told him that it was in stage four and had spread throughout his body.
Throughout his treatment, however, he realized that cancer and racism are quite similar.
After initially learning of his illness, the doctors let him know that people at his stage of cancer usually had only a 12% survival rate. He believes that trying to beat racism has similarly low odds, unfortunately.
The reason is that, just like cancer, racism is in all parts of our society. the same way as tribalism in Nigeria. We can see this in events, in politics, in a public organization, a private firm, within our neighborhood areas, in religion bodies etc
As significant as cops murdering George Floyd in the United States of America, and thousands of people being murdered by the military in Nigeria and also as seemingly small as the various forms of racism, tribalism we’ve already discussed.
Racism, tribalism also is a threat to the world’s health, just like cancer is to the body. Just look at how devastating the fight against COVID 19 was to America and in Africa.
There is one important difference between cancer, racism and tribalism though. Cancer patients tend to recognize their illness and stop its progress.
Racists and tribalism, on the other hand, remain in denial. They too often do nothing to stop the onslaught of this disease even within their own communities.
There is hope, however. I believe with work, together we can put the cancer of racism and tribalism into remission as well.
Racism, tribalism is wrong and awful and makes absolutely no sense to me, but just hating it doesn’t do any good. We all need to become Antiracists. Antitribalists
An Igbo man should be able to see his fellow Yoruba man as a brother, a Hausa man should see his follow Igbo man as one brother, one human, we should all see our self as human
Also Read: 5 Things You Should Be Doing Daily For A Healthy Life
The world black and white should be able to come together and see each other as one until we come together as one, this cancer called racism and tribalism will keep eating up deep
Stay Safe
Coronavirus is Real, Stay Strong For all of us.
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