10 Websites You Can Download Books For Free

What You Do With The Rest Of Your Life Matters Here Are The 10 Websites You Can Download Books For Free

But first make sure everything you involve your life into matters not just to you but to making our world a better place for all, for humanity, for your family, and that your loved one who’s your joy gladden their hearts


Make sure that each path you choose in life matters, as you spend time on things that give you great returns.


Don’t make the mistake of spending time on things that give you little or no return, as I will always say, your life is full of possibilities. live it responsibly, invest in reading and listening to audiobooks


While this post is all about 10 websites where you can download books all for free, I will also advise you to read books based on your niche, career, or profession and other topics that interest you As you keep investing in yourself by investing in learning




You can focus on reading books to specific niches that best suit you, the reality is that picking up a new skill can change your life when you invest in learning and practicing or best improving on the skillset you are already bound in


If you can only invest 1% to 10% of the thing you learn and keep improving in your personal life, business, and practice by 1% every day, you will gladly enjoy the effect over many years which in a real sense is extremely massive


Every day, try and just learn something new in your niche or skillset, and don’t accept you are too young or too old to do something new or best improve on the thing you have been doing more importantly learn things in practice that you can easily monetize


Here are the 10 websites you can download books from and more importantly invest in yourself by investing in learning and practicing. 


Hope you will find this site useful, Yes you will start with the number one of the 10 Websites You Can Download Books For Free. BUT FIRST WATCH THIS Coming Soon Video Below and drop a comment in the comment box


The 10 Websites You Can Download Books For Free

1: Archive: Archive.org is number one on our list of 10 websites where you can download books for free, and invest in yourself by investing in reading. 


The platform is referred to as Internet Archive, the digital library of free and borrowable books, a web platform powered by a nonprofit library of millions of free books, movies, software, and more. To date, it remains an interesting book web platform you should add to your e-library


2: Wikibooks: Possible you have heard the name Wikibooks but have not taken a deep look at what you can achieve from this web platform


Well to help you with that, wikibooks is a wiki-based Wikimedia project hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation for the creation of free content digital textbooks and annotated texts that anyone can edit. 


To date, it remains one great website library where you can find a host of books and text on thousands of pages in different languages


3: Gutenberg: Well referred to as Project Guternberg, is one important resource portal for books, there you can get access to downloadable Free eBooks as an online library with over 70,000 free eBooks that can be accessed, downloaded, or read online


You can check out the website when you are done with this post over there you will find the world’s great literature with a focus on older works for which U.S copyright has expired published by thousands of volunteers all over the world and well digitized, diligently proofread all for you to enjoy effortlessly


Seems The Days Of One Going To Library Is Over

In the 1980’s 1990s and even in the early 2000s as I was a witness to this, then our parents encouraged us, the young and old to always visit any lbarry around us 


The government, private organizations, and NGOs are encouraged to build libraries around any city, town, or village to enable people to have access to books


But today with the help of digital technologies, the internet, and more of these websites am listing here have made our mobile phone the perfect library of choice


4: Sacred texts: This is another great portal where you can access thousands of books about most religions, from mythology, folklore, esoteric


The Sacred Texts is an important eLibrary that has existed for years, launched on 9 March 1999, and has served the global need. You can find time to check it out, more important for accessing Hinduism, Christianity books


5: Librivox: Knowing too well that Audio books are also growing and librivox.org is an idea portal where you can find a host of audio books for free irrespective of where you are browsing from around the world


You can visit Librivox to get access to a host of audiobooks, play, and listen on your computer, iPod, Mobile phone devices, and much more. 


The platform is also powered by volunteers around the world. Not just a portal where you can listen to an audiobook, it also has a community forum base for engaging with readers minds all over the world is made possible


This post is to be continued. Stay tuned and remember. Life is full of possibilities, keep investing in yourself by investing in learning and practicing. WANT TO REACH OUT TO ME, Save my Whatsapp Number  +2348068608490  and let’s connect on Whatsapp


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6: Manybooks: This is another great platform where you can access thousands of books all for free, including romance books, genres like books on psychology, business, sexuality, art, biographies, history, children, young adult, fantasy, non-fiction, science fiction, horror in e-reader formats


7: Libgen: At libgen. li is referred to as Library Genesisi+ Libgen is a fantastic digital library that gives you free access to millions of books, articles, and papers in ebook format. From fiction books to fantasy, crime to science fiction and romance to thriller, as well as textbooks, journal articles, academic works, research work, graphics novels, comics, and much more are great ebooks you can find live from Libgen


8: Childrenslibrary: Just as the saying goes, there is no second chance to being children again, so the elibrary should not just be about the adults, but also about the children


And that Childrenslibrary.org is doing. This is a platform powered by the University Of Maryland, a place for know as the International Children’s Digital Library, A Library for the World’s Children


The platform has been in existence for over 20 years since it was launched and has served over 15 million people reading all over the world


9: Freecomputerbooks: If you are into tech like my honor self Mbonu Watson Free Computer Books is the ideal place for you.


Here you will find hots of books covering computer languages, computer science, data science, databases, electrical engineering, java and java ee (J2EE) Linux and unix and more. Just find time to checkout the platform, is gold for those into tech or tech-related niches, and the last on our list today is


10: Feedbooks: At feedbooks.com one of the digital library and cloud publishing portals founded in June 2007 and have served great numbers of people all over the world


Here you will find interesting books on romance juvenile and young adult mystery, detective thrillers science fiction, fantasy, historical, health, fitness, autobiography, and much more


You can also take a look at the Nairalearn course and Blog section for more incentive resources you can get, invest in for a better you


Hope you enjoyed reading this “”Also watch the attached coming soon video, Stay tuned and remember. Life is full of possibilities

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