Getting Viral Traffic Vs SEO Traffic To Your Business

In Getting Viral Traffic Vs SEO Traffic To Your Business, Let your primary goal in business be focused on acquiring new customers daily and more importantly keeping your existing customers gotten from both viral traffic and SEO traffic


So friend, pay attention to this post “Understanding Getting Viral Traffic Vs SEO Traffics To Your Business” The best type of traffic you should pay more attention to


It’s a known fact that most newbie business owners, website owners as well bloggers have wrong understanding of how viral traffic works when compared to how SEO Traffic works


In most cases, you will see people wanting to go viral, people want viral traffic more when compare to SEO Traffic. Getting viral traffics is good but not the best success for traffic


Yet most online business owners seem to prefer getting viral traffic when compared to gaining organic SEO traffic to their platform


Now before taking you into understanding the difference between viral traffic and SEO traffic, let me explain to you how viral traffic works


How Viral Traffic Works: 

Let’s say you have active social media followers or email leads. So each time you publish an article to your followers or send mail to your leads, they end up bringing you a flood of traffic, which is good


When you make such posts, most of your followers will see your post, some will like it, some will comment on it, few will click on your website link and even share it among their followers


By so doing, such post/content may go viral which is all good, but not as good when compared to SEO traffic, traffic that comes to your platform by organic search results


Now let me say, that content only goes viral if exposed to a substantial audience, sometimes when shared by influencers or authority in a specific niche


For Example, Someone with a huge social media page audiences or Twitter account followers made some post or reposted/shared your article to his thousands or possibly million audience


Remember, this person has thousands to millions of followers and many will see such posts and repost/share them among their followers and many of their followers will also do the same. repost/share and reposting to their audiences


This process of reposting/resharing etc will bring much outburst of viral traffic for your post. But after some days. The post/article/content will decay, traffic will drop, and possibly never return


In some cases, that viral post will be dumped by social media algorithms and possibly get delisted in other people’s timeline display


You can only get viral again if you repeat the same process of sharing viral content with a huge audience. But this is never the best way to get traffic traction for your online business. The best remains SEO traffic.


PAY ATTENTION AS I PROCEED ON THIS POST Also Watch the short video attached to this post


Getting Viral Traffic Vs SEO Traffics To Your Business


Here is another fact about viral content, the fact that an influencer has tweeted something DOESN’T MEAN all his followers will pick it, take action, and even repost/re-share such content


Before I end speaking on viral traffic right in this post, it’s important to know that viral traffic is a form of gambling, and it is not predictable way of getting traction for your online business


Yes viral traffics is good for those earning from ads networks, skit content creators, news platform, and gossip bloggers. But not so good for those selling products or services across the online community


There is also 2 of the biggest challenges of viral traffics, first viral content is all about, creating sticky content to go viral and pitching influencer to help you viral them


Am not saying that being consistent in creating content is wrong, but being consistent in creating high-quality user helpful content should be your go. Content that will rank across search, not just viral content as a true digital marketers

SEO Traffic

SEO Traffic: 

SEO traffic is the best form of traffic and more importantly, is predictable and organic users 


You also do not need to be publishing or posting regularly, a twice or three-times in a month article publication, will be ok, as long you have plans to rank such an article on Google’s first page, focusing on gaining SEO traffic is the best


Remember, one good thing about SEO Traffic is the fact that you don’t need to publish a lot of content daily, weekly, or monthly, just a few high-quality content in a month will do


Just focus on publishing high-quality helpful content and rank them, you will be fine and will gain more traction from such action once they are ranked


When you publish just a few high-quality contents that rank across search engines, this will get you tons of high-targeted traffic every single day in a month for a long-term


The important facts about creating SEO Traffic is for you to set your goal, which should be focused on creating content around specific keywords in your niche market and making your post rank in Google for these keywords so that it will keep bringing you, new organic customers


While you do not need to publish tons of regular articles daily, weekly, or monthly, targeting SEO Traffic you can build your entire online business around a few topical keyword-related articles, not just hundreds to thousands of article 


You will need to understand your business and start creating high-value content around your niche, google the top websites, and posts ranking on your supposed keywords, and find out the keywords they are using


Plan and execute, get into action create your business topical mapping, and start creating high-quality content with a focus on ranking across searches, Getting more SEO traffic for your business


You May Also Get The Technical SEO Course Here to watch my live videos on how you can generate high-quality keywords on your niche market, write high-quality content that will rank on page one of Google search, and drive tons of organic traffic to your business


Also Get The World Email Database Here or Over 50 million Nigeria email leads, as you build your business around Google. You will also maintain building subscribers from your organic leads and many more


Also Watch This Short Video Titled: The 3 Ways Customers/Consumers Discover Products Their Want To Buy

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ALSO READ: How To Increase Website and Mobile App Traffic, sales using articles

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