The end of illness, basic things you need to know, apply and be healthy

The end of illness, basic things you need to know, apply and be healthy

Dear friend, If you have been following me, you must have come across my favorite quote, ”Life is for the living”

life is for the living

Now listen ”before we start discussing our today topic”, I want you to know that Fear is also an Illness, this many people are not aware of, and this has killed more people when compared to any other things including pandemic, war, and hunger, Fear has killed more


So our number one step to becoming supper healthy is for you to learn how to kill fear?

Understanding the End Of Illness will change the way that you think of sickness and health by identifying the problems with the current mindset around them and how focusing on the systems within your body instead of disease will help you make better-informed decisions that will keep you on the path of good health.


You see, there are simple things about life we human should do our best to put our mind off from and pay more attention to important things about life, like living the good life, staying healthy, wealthy and being happy on what your life turns out to be


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Millions of people like you and I are more funds of focusing on their illness no matter how little or severe it, people easily forget good things about their life when compared to this


For example: Mr. A went for a checkup, he was diagnosed with illness XYZ that he never knew, from the moment he learned that he is now a patient of illness XYZ, he could not think creatively again and focus on anything ex except the illness


Traditional Africa medicine: says that sickness doesn’t kill people, what kills is the thought of sickness, this is one reason why you should stop focusing on any of the problems you are having, most importantly if such has to do with illness

All of us probably know someone who swears by some specific food that will cure anything. We also have seen health magazines tout the power of kale, and blogs will tell you the cure for cancer is carrot juice. But when it comes to health, things aren’t that simple. 

There probably isn’t one magical supplement that will make you live longer or cure diabetes. Furthermore, what works well for one person won’t work for everyone.


But science says there are things that we can do to live a healthier, fuller life. Hint: these things aren’t expensive supplements.

At The End of Illness: How the Body Works and What Health Means more simply connected to the truth about taking care of our bodies and feeling our best.

the 3 of the most helpful lessons from The End Of Illness about health:


  • #1: Don’t listen to every piece of health news or research.
  • #2: Your body needs vitamins, but be careful not to take supplements your body doesn’t need
  • #3: We can use technology to predict illness outbreaks and get to know our bodies better.


Are you sick and tired of being sick? Let’s get into some ways to end this cycle! starting from the lesson #1


Lesson 1: You don’t need to follow every health news article or a new piece of research.

People tend to get excited every time a new study about food’s benefit and its behavior is published. Most tried to implement it in their lives.

 An example of this is vitamin D. Multiple studies showed that a large proportion of the population is deficient in it. This is important because it reduces the risk of everything from cancer to Parkinson’s. 

Upon learning this, many people went to get their levels tested. Some people even just bought pills to be safe. This trend has seen vitamin D sales skyrocket. But what people don’t understand is that these studies aren’t perfect, absolute truths. 

We should see them with a little bit of healthy skepticism. Studies are designed to apply to your average person. However, this doesn’t mean they apply to everyone.

What works for An American in America, may not work for African in Africa, life mutations is never the same globally

The end of illness, basic things you need to know, apply and be healthy


Sometimes research is done in a petri dish or on an animal rather than a human being. This is why we should determine how they got to their conclusion before we jump to our conclusions.

In vitamin D, though many studies show the benefits, there are drawbacks in certain populations. One study found that elderly individuals who took a higher vitamin D supplement had a larger risk of falling and fracturing bones.

 This is just one example of why it’s important to understand that different people might need different health solutions.


Lesson 2: Vitamins are good, but it’s pretty common for people to take supplements they don’t need.

Many people take vitamins every single day. It’s easy to see why— we know vitamins are essential for our health. Vitamins help our bodies perform various functions, and because we can’t produce them ourselves, we need to obtain most of them from food. 

There are 13 vitamins we need to function properly. Before we knew the importance of vitamin C, 

Nigerians died in huge during the Nigeria and Biafra war lack of vitamin C and hunger killed people them more than guns, hunger killing including the soldiers at a war front

soldiers died in huge numbers during the war because of scurvy. It was considered an infectious disease. However, we now know it’s caused by a deficiency of vitamin C. which we can easily get from citrus foods. 

But though they are essential to our health, many people don’t realize that a vitamin deficiency is rare in the modern world. Sure, vitamin supplements don’t usually cause any problems, but they aren’t vital if you eat a healthy and balanced diet. 

Humans need 30 milligrams a day of vitamin C to ensure they don’t get scurvy, which is the amount found in just half an orange. So it’s pretty easy to get this amount of vitamin C. But did you know many multivitamins contain up to 1,000 milligrams of the vitamin?

Because so many Americans take some supplement, it is a booming business. The annual cost of supplements in the US is a staggering estimated $25 billion! That’s a ton of money for something that probably isn’t even necessary.


Lesson 3: We know our bodies better and have an easier time predicting illness outbreaks because of technologies

We know many modern technologies such as computers and phones can make it harder to do things like exercise, but they’re also many ways that technologies have the potential to make us more healthy.

 Google can be used to predict both seasonal illnesses like the flu or even track pandemics. 

I mean, think about it, doesn’t pretty much everyone search health information from time to time? This search information can be collected and analyzed to predict where an outbreak might be and help health departments prepare.


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We have seen this technology be put to use with the COVID-19 pandemic, and our phones now can even warn us when we’ve been near someone with the illness. 

health isn’t about expensive or confusing supplements. Rather, it’s about our habits, having a balanced diet, making time to exercise, and understanding that health is different for everyone.  

The End Of Illness is a fantastic idea, but I think the title is a little misleading in reality. It’s still a great book about health that will help you take better charge of your fitness, though! I like feeling empowered to be smarter about how I take care of my body, and I think you will too!

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