This Is Why People Fail In Business

Have you ever failed in business, or on a tech start-up, possible you did all you can but after some time, be it in months or years after the business failed and you gave up while counting your losses. Have you ever?


If you answer yes to this question my apology, you are not alone, I have also failed in various businesses, one of such was my PasAtOne CTB, it was a success for about 2 years, with over 3000 users and about 172 schools across Nigeria using it before it failed, that is not the only business I have failed on or the only start up I have failed either


So you see, you are not alone, some businesses are naturally going to fail but before you gave up on your business its important that you pay attention to the basic things that make a business succeed, most important online business


Until you have put in your best, your very best don’t consider your business, or start-up a failure, in today’s online business it takes two to five years before one can say this business is progressing, failing, or not. Until then never you be so quick to call your business or a start-up a failure


Now see these stats

  • It’s on record that 50% of all businesses fail within their first year
  • Then 80% of businesses fail within 5 years and
  • About 96% of all businesses fail within the first decade


That means 4% of 96% of people who create a business, HAVE a business 10 years later, while that doesn’t even mean that the 4% are profitable, it just means they are still running or operating along.

Why People Fail In Business

The question now is “How do you separate your business from quick failure?

Please Take These Important Steps


Step One: Optimize your business for effective SEO, this applies to online business alone. Because SEO still determines how successful an online business progresses


SEO remains a key player in driving high-quality traffic to a business, leading to massive sales. You need to take your time to optimize your online business with an effective SEO


With just the Technical SEO course you can learn step by step how you can optimize your online BUSINESS for success and save your business from quick failure


Technical SEO Course, nairalearn


Step Two: Build leads from your active customers and try everything possible to be collecting leads such as email and phone numbers from those visiting your online business website. Check out our Leads Database Here


Step Three: Buy Marketing Tools to create efficiency in promoting and SELLING your business products or services online, one such marketing tool is the Whatsapp Mass Sender. With this ALONE you can send thousands to millions of Whatsapp messages on ago, as well filter none active WhatsApp numbers from active numbers. It also helps you to generate thousands to million Whatsapp numbers


Step Four: Build a long-term gain business model, if you want your business not to fail have this Culture that TEACHES you how to fish, not one that does the fishing for you.


What does that mean? It means you should focus on building a long-term business gain 


Step Five: Build partners, not just a one-man business model, learn to give all your partners, and workers wings to fly successfully with your business as the business grow.  


Building a true partnership that supports the above 👆🏼 will help your business stay alive for a very long time


Hope you enjoyed this post “Why people fail in business” the point I have made here are just but a few, avoiding them and leveraging on steps one to five will help you build a successful business that will last over time


ALSO READ and check the Nairalearn course here. get the Nigeria Database and the over 172 countries lead and promote your business to over 800+ million people around the world

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